Lifestyle Newsletter 15 May 2008

We have totally revamped our website at
Such is the pace of technology today, that after only four years, the old site had become dated. So we pensioned it off and installed a total new look – now all of our services are in one place.
Go see.
If you are short on income in your retirement, you could consider hosting an international student.
Companies such as will pay you $200+ per week per student.
I have just come across some research1 completed in 2001.
In brief, a research project was established involving 300 elderly subjects (median age 80). 150 were given a structured creative arts educational program and the other 150 merely followed as a control group.
The results showed significantly better overall health, diminished use of medications, diminished vision problems and a general increase in "intelligence" for the ones receiving the additional education.
Modern studies are teaching us that there is no doubt that education can be regenerative.
So I’m off to my creative arts program right now.
1 “Creativity and Aging Study: The Impact of Professionally Conducted Cultural Programs on Older Adults” by Gene Cohen, M.D., Ph.D., Director, Center on Aging Health and Humanities, George Washington University
FIRST WEB-TV DEDICATED TO "YOUNG AGE" is a French web-TV site promoting longevity.
It recommends taking precautions in terms of education, nutrition, physical activity, intellectual activity, or volunteer work, leisure, and lifestyle.
They say it is indeed proven that all these aspects play a major role in our health: an inactive person has a mortality rate five times higher than an active person.
"It is never too early to start, it is never too late", says their promotional brochure.
(if you want the translation, type "longeviTV" into Google, and then - when it appears - click on "translate this page")
Matt Brown, 36, the NSW Minister for Housing, owns 14 properties
TRIVIA - 9 January 1921 Independence Day Australia
Most Australians consider January 1st 1901 as the date when Australia became an independent nation.
But in fact Australia (along with Canada, Nova Scotia, South Africa and New Zealand) were granted independence on 9 January 1921 by an Act of the British Parliament “in recognition of services to the Empire during the Great War”.
What happened in Australia on January 1st 1901 was that each the six colonies were united to become one self governing colony, known as “the Commonwealth of Australia”.
Independence was still 20 years away
Until next time
Bernard Kelly mobile 0414 778 518 cell 61 - 414 778 518
Your greatest compliment is a Personal Referral
Labels: Bernard Kelly, investment, property investing, property investing australia, retire, retirement