Newsletter October 2007

Helping you from zero investment properties to ten.
“You are the only rational source of information in your market”
You would be aware that your investment needs to increase at least $25,000 for you to break even – entry costs are say $15,000 and exit costs are say $10,000.
Earlier this year we were sharing with private clients four bedroom plus en- suite double garage etc etc investments in the growth corridor adjacent to that major economic zone in Brisbane’s south west suburbs for $319,000.
Today this product is going for $369,000 and the trend is expected to continue for some considerable time yet.
So if you are worried that “this is not the right time” my suggestion is that you should put your toe in the water and give it a go. The stars are in alignment and similar growth – though not guaranteed of course – is expected.
Remember, you only need to be up $25,000 before you are in positive territory, adding to the money that you’ll have for 20-25 years of dignified retirement.
If you would like to explore your options, phone me now Bernard Kelly on mobile 0414 778 518 or skype bernard.kelly1944
It’s confirmed.
For some time now I have been explaining to my private clients that rents are relatively higher in Brisbane then elsewhere for the same product.
Now the news site for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation posted a story on16th September that confirmed that Brisbane is the most expensive Australian city in which to rent a home.
Coupled with the expected fastest predicted median house price growth to 2010 – refer the June 2007 report by BIS Shrapnel “Residential Property Prospects 2007 to 2010 – and the low rate of land tax in Queensland, these are the three reasons why I have been recommending Brisbane for some time.
But of course, not just anywhere in Brisbane. You need an investment 15-20 minutes from a major cluster of solid light industrial and distribution jobs. Which is why the south west suburbs of Brisbane works best.
For more analysis, phone me anytime Bernard Kelly mobile 0414 778 518
Some of my private clients with young children and teenagers have expressed concern that it’s OK for me to be creating substantial wealth for them, however they don’t want their children turning out like Paris Hilton.
Consequently I am working on a new book “Raising Decent Kids into Substantial Wealth”.
Let me know if this too is a concern for you, and I’ll pass to you draft chapters.
New materials and high tech procedures are driving a surge in hip, knee and even ankle replacements – for those who can afford them, of course.
Joint replacements are now made from lighter and more-durable plastics than they used to be.
At the same time, a new treatment using a strategy called "resurfacing" is proving its worth.
Treatments become more and more adapted to the different categories of patients.
Doctors in the United States now perform more than 450,000 knee replacements and 208,000 hip replacements a year, but of coursethe boomers' embrace of replacement parts isn't entirely their choice – the fact is, they really need new parts.
The most active generation in history, boomers gave us high-impact aerobics and the running craze, but at a cost. The result of all that zealous, uninformed activity: a generation with good overall cardiovascular health and wrecked hips and knees.
Fortunately for patients, medicine has made progress.
Shoulder implants have become mainstream, elbow implants are on the rise and ankle replacements have transformed from awkward devices into streamlined, highly engineered wonders made from light and durable material.
There's even a new take on the old stalwart surgery, the knee replacement : now it can be custom-made, a development that should surprise no one in the age of custom everything-else.
Most exciting of better treatments is a strategy called "resurfacing", which has come to the United States within the last two years after proving successful in England. Well suited to active, younger patients, it holds back on replacing the entire joint (usually the hip), instead leaving a great deal of bone in place and covering it with a protective surface. The pain relief is dramatic.
Adapted from Newsweek, 3 September 2007 : "You, too can have a bionic body; new materials and high-tech procedures are driving a surge in hip, knee and even ankle replacements" and Biotech Week, 15 August 2007 : "Arthritis ; Hip and knee replacements rarely performed in patients over 100"
For back issues of this newsletter, go to
Until next time
Bernard Kelly 0414 778 518
P.S. Your greatest compliment would be a Personal Referral
Helping you from zero investment properties to ten.
“You are the only rational source of information in your market”
You would be aware that your investment needs to increase at least $25,000 for you to break even – entry costs are say $15,000 and exit costs are say $10,000.
Earlier this year we were sharing with private clients four bedroom plus en- suite double garage etc etc investments in the growth corridor adjacent to that major economic zone in Brisbane’s south west suburbs for $319,000.
Today this product is going for $369,000 and the trend is expected to continue for some considerable time yet.
So if you are worried that “this is not the right time” my suggestion is that you should put your toe in the water and give it a go. The stars are in alignment and similar growth – though not guaranteed of course – is expected.
Remember, you only need to be up $25,000 before you are in positive territory, adding to the money that you’ll have for 20-25 years of dignified retirement.
If you would like to explore your options, phone me now Bernard Kelly on mobile 0414 778 518 or skype bernard.kelly1944
It’s confirmed.
For some time now I have been explaining to my private clients that rents are relatively higher in Brisbane then elsewhere for the same product.
Now the news site for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation posted a story on16th September that confirmed that Brisbane is the most expensive Australian city in which to rent a home.
Coupled with the expected fastest predicted median house price growth to 2010 – refer the June 2007 report by BIS Shrapnel “Residential Property Prospects 2007 to 2010 – and the low rate of land tax in Queensland, these are the three reasons why I have been recommending Brisbane for some time.
But of course, not just anywhere in Brisbane. You need an investment 15-20 minutes from a major cluster of solid light industrial and distribution jobs. Which is why the south west suburbs of Brisbane works best.
For more analysis, phone me anytime Bernard Kelly mobile 0414 778 518
Some of my private clients with young children and teenagers have expressed concern that it’s OK for me to be creating substantial wealth for them, however they don’t want their children turning out like Paris Hilton.
Consequently I am working on a new book “Raising Decent Kids into Substantial Wealth”.
Let me know if this too is a concern for you, and I’ll pass to you draft chapters.
New materials and high tech procedures are driving a surge in hip, knee and even ankle replacements – for those who can afford them, of course.
Joint replacements are now made from lighter and more-durable plastics than they used to be.
At the same time, a new treatment using a strategy called "resurfacing" is proving its worth.
Treatments become more and more adapted to the different categories of patients.
Doctors in the United States now perform more than 450,000 knee replacements and 208,000 hip replacements a year, but of coursethe boomers' embrace of replacement parts isn't entirely their choice – the fact is, they really need new parts.
The most active generation in history, boomers gave us high-impact aerobics and the running craze, but at a cost. The result of all that zealous, uninformed activity: a generation with good overall cardiovascular health and wrecked hips and knees.
Fortunately for patients, medicine has made progress.
Shoulder implants have become mainstream, elbow implants are on the rise and ankle replacements have transformed from awkward devices into streamlined, highly engineered wonders made from light and durable material.
There's even a new take on the old stalwart surgery, the knee replacement : now it can be custom-made, a development that should surprise no one in the age of custom everything-else.
Most exciting of better treatments is a strategy called "resurfacing", which has come to the United States within the last two years after proving successful in England. Well suited to active, younger patients, it holds back on replacing the entire joint (usually the hip), instead leaving a great deal of bone in place and covering it with a protective surface. The pain relief is dramatic.
Adapted from Newsweek, 3 September 2007 : "You, too can have a bionic body; new materials and high-tech procedures are driving a surge in hip, knee and even ankle replacements" and Biotech Week, 15 August 2007 : "Arthritis ; Hip and knee replacements rarely performed in patients over 100"
For back issues of this newsletter, go to
Until next time
Bernard Kelly 0414 778 518
P.S. Your greatest compliment would be a Personal Referral