Lifestyle Newsletter 15 December 2009

When you receive a Christmas card, open it very carefully and inside, immediately below where they have written “Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year – love Sonya” you write “ditto love Cynthia” (provided of course your name happens to be Cynthia, but you get my drift, don’t you?)
Then put it back into its envelope, seal the flap with glue, cross out your address on the front and write NOT KNOWN AT THIS ADDRESS – RETURN TO SENDER.
You’ll probably save yourself about six dollars every time.
As we are all living longer and in better health, all those old retirement cliches now seem to be far removed from reality.
Long walks on the beach? Days spent doing nothing but embroidery? Mid week games of golf ? No. Modern retirement can be so much more than that, from triathlons to ocean sailing to operating a business from home.
But of course, you have to be healthy.
There's no better time than retirement to focus on your health.
By choosing the best ingredients for a healthy retirement, both mental and physical, you can look forward to personal fulfilment and a longer life.
It appears that the notion of retirement as one last long vacation before we die is dead.
For proof, cruise the shelves of any large bookstore or search online for new titles exploring the emerging trend of post-retirement work.
Here are two that may be of interest:
"Encore: Finding Work That Matters in the Second Half of Life" (PublicAffairs Books, $24.95) by Marc Freedman, founder and president of Civic Ventures, a San Francisco-based think tank.
From appeals lawyer to community pastor, health care executive to advocate for the homeless, truant officer to critical-care nurse, Freedman fills the book with "encore stories" of people who found work that mattered in their second half of life.
By 2030, he foresees Boomers will provide the "backbone of education, health care, nonprofits, the government and other sectors" essential to our national well-being.
"Don't Retire, REWIRE!" (Alpha Books, $18.95), a revised and expanded second edition of a 2002 book we liked them and like even more now.
Authors Rick Miners and Jeri Sedlar, who are husband wife, share 25 years of executive search and counseling experience. Through hundreds of interviews with pre-retirees and working and non-working retirees, they discovered the happiest are those who knew what they were retiring to, not simply retiring from.
People tend to underestimate the things they like about their work, the authors contend, from the structure work provides to the social and emotional needs that it fills.
As they approach and even enter retirement, many people also have never taken the time to figure out what they want (and couples have not taken the time to talk about what the each person wants). Through real-life stories, self-scoring quizzes and exercises, this smartly-written and logically organized book helps us discover our primary "drivers" or motivators. (A big driver for us, for example, is to have accomplishments).
Copyright © 2009, Tribune Media Services
Retirement Living TV (RLTV) is a US cable network dedicated to serving the needs of adults 50+
Their charter is to broadcast information and entertainment that inspires and enhances the perception of aging with a variety of subjects and genres including health, finance, travel, reality, comedy and drama.
It is RLTV's vision to be the top television network, online destination and media brand for adults 50+.
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Retirement is … having 30 Saturdays each month.
The problem is that many of us don’t plan to vary the way we spend these Saturdays, and we end up very bored.
If you would like me to help you explore your options for 20-25 years of comfortable retirement, contact me – Bernard Kelly – anytime. My email is and my mobile is 0414 778 518
Research published in the October issue of the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology examined current circumstances of 12,189 retirees who were aged 51 to 61 when first interviewed – in 1992, 1994, 1996 and 1998.
The researchers coined the term "bridge employment" to describe the transition period between full-time work and full-time retirement, in which people work part time, are self-employed or temporarily employed.
Men and women in that “bridge employment” category reported fewer major diseases and functional limitations compared with those who were in full retirement. Mental health was better as well, but only for those who kept working in their previous careers.
However those who chose a different career didn't show the same benefits. Choosing another career, the authors believe, could prove stressful while people adjust to new roles and a new workplace.
Also, some who choose new jobs do so out of financial need, which may add additional stress.
Source - Jeannine Stein writing in “The Los Angeles Times” 14 October 2009