Re-Invent Yourself. Find New Money. FREE GIFT

When you first contacted me, it was because you thought that you would be needing extra money later on.
Here’s a FREE GIFT that may help.
It’s the 169 page ebook “Attract Money Now” by Joe Vitale.
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If you are frustrated about your next career path, ask a trusted buddy (who should be positive and creative) to help you brainstorm a new direction.
My suggestion is to just block out next Saturday, and the two of you go somewhere where you won’t be disturbed – perhaps you could hire a meeting room at your local library.
Have your friend prepare in advance what others see as your strengths and weaknesses.
Then cross hatch that with what you see as opportunities and threats.
At the end of the day, you probably will have a clear direction where to begin to further research.
However your friend’s job is not yet done. They have to mark firm review dates for further meetings with you over the next twelve months.
It is possible to reinvent your work identity when making a challenging mid-career switch, says Harvard Business Review. Just don't overthink it.
The Management Tip of the Day offers quick, practical management tips and ideas from Harvard Business Review and (
"A mid-career switch can be challenging, especially if you've become pigeonholed in your current role. But it's possible to recreate your work identity, as long as you don't get stuck at the introspection phase.
Take action by doing these three things:
1. Craft experiments. Take on freelance or pro bono assignments that allow you to try new roles while staying in your current job.
2. Shift connections. To move in a new direction, you need a new network. Reach out to people who can give you a fresh perspective on what you're trying to achieve.
3. Make sense of it all. Tell others the story of who you hope to become professionally. This will help clarify your intentions and keep you motivated. Plus, you might win the support of your listeners."
- This management tip was adapted from the book "Harvard Business Review on Advancing Your Career."
Over the last five years I have met a number of people who have been downsized or have become so bored with their jobs that they are in the process of reinventing their career.
Through no fault of their own, the business that employed them has changed, shifted or reinvented itself. And while some think that we’re toast and the economy is sunk, I simply say, hang on, take baby steps and consider things differently and get started: Here’s how:
Firstly write out all the things you know (this can include intangibles). And then write down all the things you love, forgot you loved, once loved or once dreamed of.
So now, if money were no object, and you were 100% assured of success, what would you do that encompasses some of those elements?
And also ask yourself - what did I want to be when I was 8?
Whichever the situation, there seem to be a lot of people between 45-65 who are no longer in the jobs they held for decades or industries they thought they'd retire from.
Downsizing can be a wake-up call to new challenges and a re-evaluation of your lifestyle. The chance to do what you've always wanted to do now that the kids have grown. Or it can mark a serious downturn to your lifestyle.
What is your experience: are you reinventing your career and lifestyle on purpose or are you finding you have to cobble together various work options just to make ends meet?
Downsizing can be a wake-up call to new challenges and a re-evaluation of your lifestyle. The chance to do what you've always wanted to do now that the kids have grown. Or it can mark a serious downturn to your lifestyle.
What is your experience: are you reinventing your career and lifestyle on purpose or are you finding you have to cobble together various work options just to make ends meet?
I’d love to hear your experiences
Are you feeling burned out in your job?
If so, you’re not alone. Job burnout is an all-too-common phenomenon in today’s workforce.
And while there’s no magic wand you can wave to get rid of it, there are steps you can take to improve your situation.
Here are some of them:
Understand why you are feeling burned out.
Get specific. For instance: “I’m working too many hours. I don’t like what I’m working on. I’m experiencing too much conflict with my co-workers. I feel stuck and trapped.”
Understanding the specifics of the source of your burnout opens the door to asking, “What steps can I start taking to make changes in the long term?”
Question black-and-white thinking.
Black-and-white thinking keeps you limited and feeling trapped. It limits you to either/or choices.
For example, does if your industry is shrinking, does this give you the opportunity to move to where the economy is growing?
The reality is that there is frequently a whole spectrum of possibilities between those either/or ends of the spectrum. You may not be able to fix the situation completely to your liking, but you may be able to make it 30 percent better. And 30 percent better is 30 percent less pain.
Find your energy source.
List of things that have excited you since age 10 and then pick one and ask why was it so stimulating?
There will be common themes - your energy sources, if you will – so that’s where you’ll want to be heading.
Look at the 360-degree picture.
How you feel at work isn’t solely related to what’s happening at work.
Do what I describe as a personal energy audit.
Ask, “What is giving me energy? What is draining my energy? What supports me? What depletes me?”
Do that for all the areas of your life, including work, relationships, and health.
Commit to change.
The simple act of committing to change reduces their frustration significantly.
Why? Because part of frustration comes not just from what’s happening today, but also knowing that it’s going to be repeated day after day after day into the future.
So committing to change takes a lot of the weight of that future frustration off their shoulders.
No post on job burnout would be complete without mentioning meditation.
Find a way to slow down and stay grounded; it lets you stop spinning energy off in all directions.
Exercise is the great stress reliever.
It has the dual benefit of immediately relieving stress and giving you more energy in the long run by being more fit.
Find meaning.
Finally, look for ways to derive meaning from your work.
That could mean identifying what the benefit of what you’re doing is and focusing more on that.
Or it could mean finding ways to make a difference, like mentoring a younger colleague.
By Curt Rosengren writing in US Money 15 September 2011
Until next time
I’m Bernard Kelly – Australia’s Encore Career Strategist
Mobile 0414 778 518 skype Bernard.Kelly1944