Lifestyle Newsletter 15 September 2009

Bee keeping is a profitable hobby that you can start in your own backyard for a very modest investment.
In addition to the cash flow that it generates, a profitable hobby will keep you socially connected and mentally stimulated.
Bee keeping is a profitable hobby that you can start in your own backyard for a very modest investment.
In addition to the cash flow that it generates, a profitable hobby will keep you socially connected and mentally stimulated.
The outcome is Satisfaction.
“Life is a choice. You can choose how you live, but you cannot choose the consequences of how you live.”
I recently mentioned a book by Mary Lloyd “Supercharged Retirement”. If you missed it, go to
In the same vein, here’s another. This one is “Put Old on Hold”
(Personally what I’ve done is to take up bike riding. I’m now 65 – with no thought of opting out of the workforce - and I’m joining the Great Victorian Bike Ride for a 10 day holiday-on-wheels in late November. To see what I’m doing, go to Facebook and search on BYK-FM 2009)
The recession has eroded older workers’ confidence about retiring comfortably, according to a Watson Wyatt survey recently published by Watson Wyatt, a major US human resource firm based in Arlington, Virginia.
“Life is a choice. You can choose how you live, but you cannot choose the consequences of how you live.”
I recently mentioned a book by Mary Lloyd “Supercharged Retirement”. If you missed it, go to
In the same vein, here’s another. This one is “Put Old on Hold”
(Personally what I’ve done is to take up bike riding. I’m now 65 – with no thought of opting out of the workforce - and I’m joining the Great Victorian Bike Ride for a 10 day holiday-on-wheels in late November. To see what I’m doing, go to Facebook and search on BYK-FM 2009)
The recession has eroded older workers’ confidence about retiring comfortably, according to a Watson Wyatt survey recently published by Watson Wyatt, a major US human resource firm based in Arlington, Virginia.
For US employees aged 50 to 64, only 44 percent are confident they will have enough money to live comfortably five years into retirement.
This outlook was down from 63 percent only two years ago.
The outlook 15 years into retirement is even worse, with just 18 percent of older workers confident of being financially comfortable. This compares to 34 percent in 2007.
Source “Business First” 2 June 2009
The knowledge that you have accumulated over the years is something of great value that nobody can ever take away from you!
Most people don't value all of their years of education, career and family experience or the skills, hobbies, and other interests that you have learned over the years! This is true whether you are 45 or 65 years old.
Take a few moments to sit down with a notepad and pencil and make four lists. This won't take long, but you can be prepared to be shocked!
First, list all of the “structured” educational experience that you have, starting with primary school and including all of the classes, seminars, and conferences that you have attended over the years.
Secondly list all of your experiences, however meaningless they may seem. Think chronologically through your life, and you will be sure to remember many things that you have done, places you have been, and skills that you have learned. All of these things will likely comprise quite a list.
Thirdly, think of all of the skills that you have learned along the way. Whether it was learning a skill associated with your career or a hobby or a sport, put it down. Some of us learned had to learn certain techniques or procedures in our career simply in order to perform our job. While we might naturally take such things for granted, put them down just to make your list complete!
The fourth list is quite important. Is there something that you are passionate about? It doesn't matter what your Passion is - just write it down.
Finally ask yourself “Would you enjoy teaching in this my field of expertise?”
You might think that your little specialty is too small for anybody to care. Wrong! In fact, the more narrowly defined your niche, the easier it will be to locate others interested in the same topic.
And you will be glad you did! And there is a community program somewhere near you who would welcome you to join their faculty.
The knowledge that you have accumulated over the years is something of great value that nobody can ever take away from you!
Most people don't value all of their years of education, career and family experience or the skills, hobbies, and other interests that you have learned over the years! This is true whether you are 45 or 65 years old.
Take a few moments to sit down with a notepad and pencil and make four lists. This won't take long, but you can be prepared to be shocked!
First, list all of the “structured” educational experience that you have, starting with primary school and including all of the classes, seminars, and conferences that you have attended over the years.
Secondly list all of your experiences, however meaningless they may seem. Think chronologically through your life, and you will be sure to remember many things that you have done, places you have been, and skills that you have learned. All of these things will likely comprise quite a list.
Thirdly, think of all of the skills that you have learned along the way. Whether it was learning a skill associated with your career or a hobby or a sport, put it down. Some of us learned had to learn certain techniques or procedures in our career simply in order to perform our job. While we might naturally take such things for granted, put them down just to make your list complete!
The fourth list is quite important. Is there something that you are passionate about? It doesn't matter what your Passion is - just write it down.
Finally ask yourself “Would you enjoy teaching in this my field of expertise?”
You might think that your little specialty is too small for anybody to care. Wrong! In fact, the more narrowly defined your niche, the easier it will be to locate others interested in the same topic.
And you will be glad you did! And there is a community program somewhere near you who would welcome you to join their faculty.
Bob Evans, writing in “Barrons” 15 June 2009 offers this advice for those heading towards retirement:
"When you retire, consider it a three-year sabbatical. Do what you want to do, when you want to do it. But keep your eyes open for something that interests you, where you can earn some income. Look for something you enjoy, something that really pleases you.
“When your sabbatical is over, you should have found a new line of work that will help you enjoy the rest of your life and pay for whatever makes it comfortable. You may earn less income than before, but the purpose is to supplement your retirement funds, prevent total dependency on others for your income, and keep you growing. Then you can share your happiness with the rest of us, not your pain.
“Take full retirement only when you must, when you can no longer be productive."
A retiree who has run out of money and has no idea what to do about it is one of the saddest people you will ever meet, and one of the most difficult to help. The three-year sabbatical can turn a threat into an opportunity.
Bob Adams shares his wisdom at
What is security? If we ask 10 people we will get 10 different answers.
Tony Robbins (famous motivational speaker) asked an interesting question in a video I watched recently. He asked "Who would be happier four years from now, a lotto winner of 5 million dollars or a person challenged by paralysis or chronic back pain from a terrible accident"?
His answer he claims is backed by statistics - "The person who sustained paralysis or back pain from the accident would probably be the happier person."
The rational is that people who win lotto tend to spend their money until it's gone. They are likely to lose perspective and find themselves in a very depressing set of circumstances. They often lack the discipline to manage the money they won in lotto.
Conversely the physically challenged person usually finds help from therapy and in time is able to make progress which brings a degree of happiness.
The moral of the story is this; and I have a phrase that I want you to remember-"Progress Is Happiness!”
Tony Robbins tells us that it is a matter of perspective. No matter what we do happiness comes not from the end result but the process. Human nature is such that we are built for challenge.
So what is the ultimate retirement income security? It's Attitude!
Source Gary A. Mitchell