Newsletter - December 2007

“you are the only rational source of information in your market”
I am giving away for FREE copies of my latest book: “Property Investing for Couples- avoid the cash crisis that starts the day you retire”.
Just email me at if you want your own copy.
As we don’t advertise in traditional media, we consequently have a budget to pay for word-of-mouth advertising which helps this consultancy prosper.
So instead of paying newspapers and magazines to run advertisements, we are happy to pay you $1000 for each successful referral.
Let me know if you have family, friends or colleagues who might benefit from our services. Phone me anytime: Bernard Kelly 0414 778 518
I’ll pay you immediately their finance is approved.
An article appeared in the “Australian Financial Review” 20 November, broadly supporting my views about expectations for above-normal capital growth in Brisbane.
Then there was a front page story in “The Weekend Australian” 8-9 December about Queensland’s “golden age” followed up on Sunday 9 December in the Fairfax press with much the same – although this time with a focus on Brisbane.
Basically these articles confirm what I have been saying for some time – although of course those south west suburbs of Brisbane that I recommend are growing faster (because they are in that corridor designated by both the State and Federal governments for Growth).
And it’s noticeable how these journalists know nothing about property investment – where to locate your investment near to a major tenant pool and landlord risk insurance are never mentioned, the correct funding and legal structures are ignored, as too is why you need a specialist property accountant, the importance to an investor of maximum depreciation benefits, or how to get your tax back every payday.
Of course one of the main reasons why my private clients prosper in those suburbs is due to the south west economic zone (where there are solid clusters of sustainable jobs). You’ll always have a superior demand for tenancies.
Then of course rents in Brisbane are relatively higher than other capital cities for a similar product, and finally land taxes are zero in Queensland until your land values exceed $500,000.
These are the three reasons why I share with you investments in those south west suburbs of Brisbane.
Furthermore, I make sure that your investments are packaged for your maximum benefit: (1) certified properties – below the median - that attract the ideal tenant, with the lowest outgoings and positioned for your eventual exit strategy, (2) funding from a top tier strategist, (3) optimal legal structure - including the vital updates to your wills and both forms of enduring powers of attorney, (4) introduction to a specialist property accountant, (5) a boutique property management company, and (6) your tax back every payday.
So you can relax knowing that your investments are the best, and packaged as best they can be.
If you want to explore your options, phone me anytime on 0414 778 518
I’m becoming quite excited about “encore careers”.
An encore career is radically different to a retirement job – where you earn just enough to survive until next week.
Rather an encore career is full-time employment in a totally different role to your earlier career.
It works because, in our sixties, we are neither young nor old, and yet we have so much knowledge and the time to indulge ourselves.
It works because, in our sixties, we are neither young nor old, and yet we have so much knowledge and the time to indulge ourselves.
So find a new career, doing something you like, but where there is strong employment demand.
One example is that you could train to become a maths teacher. You would be doing something to help society, but not as a volunteer (you realise I’m sure that volunteers don’t have any capacity to make decisions, which is why they don’t get paid). In contrast, school teachers are in heavy demand, and you get paid handsomely.
Another example would be to take a job in hospital administration in a regional community.
Everyone else has left town to work in the mining boom, but you would be fulfilling a social need – and be paid for it.
If you’re going to need to work - and let’s face it, that’s most of us – think about helping society, but getting paid for it.
Alvin Toffler is a sociologist who wrote the acclaimed “Future Shock” in 1970.
I have just come across one of his quotes: “the illiterate of the future will not be those who cannot read or write. Rather it will be those who cannot unlearn and relearn”.
How very relevant is that today, when we all have to unlearn what we knew about retirement, and relearn the new reality.
And also learn how to finance those 20-25 years of your Renaissance.
For women – Hilary Clinton is 60 and is running to be President of the United States.
For men – Bart Cummings is 80 and still running horses in the Melbourne Cup.
So if you too have expectations like these, plan to have enough financial resources to see yourself through your next 20-25 years.
Until next time
Bernard Kelly mobile 0414 778 518
P.S. I pay $1000 for each successful Referral
For women – Hilary Clinton is 60 and is running to be President of the United States.
For men – Bart Cummings is 80 and still running horses in the Melbourne Cup.
So if you too have expectations like these, plan to have enough financial resources to see yourself through your next 20-25 years.
Until next time
Bernard Kelly mobile 0414 778 518
P.S. I pay $1000 for each successful Referral
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