Newsletter August 2007
Our Goal
Helping you from zero investment properties to ten
A recent testimonial
We were pleasantly delighted recently to receive this testimonial: “you are the only rational source of information in your market”
Bonanza Time for Investors
When interest rates increase – as they have just done – that’s good news for investors.
Why? you ask.
Well for two reasons – firstly you get a bigger tax deduction.
Secondly the pool of tenants gets bigger (because more people can’t afford to purchase) so you have greater security.
And with vacancy rates at historic lows, coupled with values likely to continue dramatically increasing around that economic zone in the south west of Brisbane (our recommended location) our private clients continue to add to their retirement funds.
If you need to contact me at any time, feel free to phone me Bernard Kelly at any time. My mobile is 0414 778 518 Cell phone 61-414 778 518
Superannuation Results 1997-2006
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority recently released its study on the 10 year investment performance 1997-2006 for funds with more than $50 million invested.
Their conclusion – industry funds earned 6.7% pa, while commercial retail funds earned 5.3% pa.
Of course, over the past few years, superannuation funds have been reporting returns perhaps twice these figures.
But investing for your retirement is long term, and these long term results are most illuminating.
Fortunately for our clients, our management of residential property investments ensures that it is far more probable that you will vastly superior results.
If you are attempting to boost funds for your retirement, which outcome would you prefer?
If you want to know more, phone me anytime: Bernard Kelly 0414 778 518
Queues longer at public hospitals
FIGURES showing patients are waiting longer for elective surgery in the public hospital system are disturbing, Federal Health Minister Tony Abbott says.
The State of our Public Hospitals Report, released by the federal health department, gives a snapshot of the nation's public hospital system over the past year.
The most important news in the report "is probably the continued decline in the number of elective surgery admissions being seen within the recommended time," Mr Abbott said on ABC radio.
"Only 81 per cent were seen within the recommended time in 2006, compared with 90 per cent in 1999. That's, I guess, disappointing."
Of course, property investors won’t have to wait in public hospital queues. They’ll use their wealth that they have created, and go into the private system.
When you reach 75 or 80, which would you prefer?
Phone Bernard Kelly today 0414 778 518 to explore your options.
online communities for vibrant Boomers
Various sites aimed at baby boomers have been launched in recent years.
Winster is a game-oriented social networking site aimed at baby-boomer women, who spend hours playing online games, such as Spell Squad, competitive "guy" games. motto: “Lovin’ life on the flip side of 50” has been described as MySpace for boomers.
On a recent day, featured groups on eons included baseball fans, ex-hippies and runners, and the featured game involved trivia about author James Joyce.
Active Authority is a small business that describes itself as "the first-ever online community promoting healthy living and fitness for active adults”.
Its mission is to empower baby boomers to maintain an active lifestyle.
The founders all share an experience in health, fitness and exercise physiology and draw from diverse backgrounds in health and fitness to research and recommend the latest and best practices in exercise, nutrition, and physical therapy.
All new members thus reach access to:
Health and fitness education,
An e-newsletter with member profiles,
An online forum
Monthly member discounts
Active Authority also provides reviews on athletic cutting-edge health and fitness products.
Retirement age should be 74
Robert Samuelson, writing for Newsweek 19 June 2007 feels that the current Social Security system in the United States will soon need radical surgery.
It simply can’t afford to keep going with the same old assumptions that it has employed since it was established in the mid 30s, he says.
Of course, the Social Security problem is just one aspect of a larger retirement revolution –an upheaval in medicine, life expectancy, work and lifestyles.
Since Social Security's creation in 1935, life spans have increased dramatically.
Someone who now reaches 65 can expect to live almost 20 more years.
Samuelson makes the point that should the government – today - apply the same expectations (about retirement) when Social Security was first introduced, the retirement age would today be set at 74.
Which is why we must all protect ourselves. We can’t rely on government welfare to be there when we need it.
The ideal solution would appear to be the development of a portfolio of residential investment properties.
Phone Bernard Kelly today 0414 778 518 to explore your options.
Philippines target one million retirees
The government of the Philippines has launched a marketing campaign that it hopes will eventually attract one million foreign retirees.
Called “Enjoy Life in the Philippines” the campaign plays to the country’s attractions: warm climate, safety, world-class healthcare, a caring and friendly people, low cost of living, and natural attractions.
The retirement agency is promoting a so-called Special Permanent Resident Visa Program (SRRVisa).
These visas allow the holder to work, do business, study, and live in the Philippines.
The Philippines have studied what attracts 15,000 retirees to settle each year in both Thailand and in Malaysia, and have also looked carefully at medical tourism to India - which is worth US$1 billion annually - before finalising this marketing package.
Until next time
Bernard Kelly chief executive
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